Colorado Springs Dentistry – Implant Supported Bridges

 March 20, 2018

Sometimes called All-on-4 Advanced Permanent Implants
New technology using four angled implants

Advanced permanent implants are the latest in dental technology. Imagine all your teeth replaced with a permanent solution: teeth attached to sturdy, well placed titanium implants, the same material used to replace hips and knees. Your teeth don’t come out and you have nothing in the roof of your mouth. Dental implants have been around for several years, but the surgery was invasive, the healing time four to eight months and you didn’t get your teeth for about a year.

Not Any More!!

Denturer wearers can now have permanent teeth again!. Using new technology only recently available, Dr. Carter can place four angled implants and anchor full arch bridges to the implants. The results are often more secure and stable than using six or eight implants per jaw. Of course, the diagnosis and recommended treatment is always dependent upon the amount of available bone and personal health and circumstances of the patient. So far as we know Northgate Dental is the only dental facility in the Central United States where you can have all your new teeth placed on four angled implants and walk out the same day ready to eat. The surgery is so non-invasive that many people have gone out for dinner and dancing that evening. Here is how it works. We appoint you for a Comprehensive Exam. This is a thorough exam that lasts one to two hours. Sometimes we have you return for a no charge consultation visit. When you decide this is what you want, then we accompany you to a lab for a CT scan of your jaw. Then you go home. ** We design your prosthetics in the computer using the CT scan. We then email that to our lab and they construct your new prosthetic teeth.

The lab also constructs a guide that shows us where to insert the implants precisely where we designed their placement in the computer. Then we have you return for a three to four hour appointment and put everything to place. You walk out with new teeth, almost like the ones you were born with. Many people don’t need pain medication, even over the counter Tylenol. Up until a couple of years ago this procedure would have cost $60,000 to $80,000 per arch. Because of the computer design, fewer appointments, better efficiency and the way the implants are angled, the cost of this procedure has been reduced to about $20,000. Added benefits include better accuracy and less invasive surgery in the placement process.

Before | After

 Here are More Benefits

  • Angled implants appear to be more stable over time
  • By angling the implants, sinus surgery is rarely needed.  Sinus surgery is often necessary with vertically placed implants
  • We can secure the permanent bridge to as few as four implants instead of the more expensive practice of six or more vertically placed ones.
  • Conventionally placed implants require invasive surgery that takes months to heal.  The guide allows us to place the implants without an incision.
  • They don’t come out
  • Food tastes better
  • Throw away the denture adhesives and creams
  • The bone recognizes the implant as a ‘real’ root, which results in better bone health and less (often no) bone loss.
  • It is a permanent solution

**Additional appointments may be necessary if the person has a current denture that is poorly fitting.

For More Information, Please Call (719) 488-2292 or Click Here to Contact Us

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