Dentures Case Studies – MW
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MM came to Northgate Dental with the desire of replacing her teeth with Full Upper and Lower Dentures. On her first visit she was in pain as well as stating her inability to be able to eat anything. Fear was a very clear issue so we recommended IV sedation. Her exam revealed generalized decay, missing teeth, and the beginning stages of periodontal disease. We discussed implant dentures and full mouth reconstruction, but she chose upper and lower removable dentures.
Patient had multiple concerns at her initial visit with us. She was embarrassed by the discoloration. MM was missing teeth in the smile zone and generalized decay. MM was very insecure about her natural teeth and lacked confidence in her smile. She was quite young and concerned that her teeth should look natural. She wanted to be out of pain, have the beautiful smile she deserved with the capability to chew again. While we offered suggestions, we encouraged her to be very involved in the selection of the shape, shade and positioning of her new teeth
You can see on the x ray that her bone levels are also compromised. This is called periodontal disease.
The process consisted of multiple steps and appointments to confirm each previous step for the final dentures. We took a bite registration to us exactly how large to make her new teeth. After we took all the appropriate impressions for her final dentures we were able to IV sedate MM and perform her surgery. She went home with new teeth
When we delivered her final dentures, her facial features changed dramatically. Notice the more pronounced upper lip. The cosmetic appearance of the dentures was a huge success.